ESP Based Wi-Fi Network Indicator

ESP Based Wi-Fi Network Indicator

This post will cover the use of a SSD1306 OLED display with Espressif based modules.  The setup will display wireless statistics using inexpensive devices that are simple to connect. This work was based on the following video demonstration. The wiring for the ESP8266 Wemos module used the following I2C pins to connect to the display.  The I2C connection uses fewer pins and frees up pins for other tasks. The ESP32 C3 module connection uses different pins, so a cross platform…

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Live RF Plotting using the ESP8266 or ESP32 with NRF24L01 Native Support

Live RF Plotting using the ESP8266 or ESP32 with NRF24L01 Native Support

This post will cover directly interfacing the NRF24L01 module with either the ESP32 or ESP8266 Wemos modules.  In earlier posts I had used the Arduino Mini module as a shim.  This allows the setup to be compact with fewer points of failure.  This post will also introduce a plotting alternative that wasn’t covered in earlier posts. Here is the wiring diagram for the ESP8266 Wemos Module and its SPI connection to the NRF24L01. Here is the Arduino code used to…

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MQTT Smoke Detector Monitoring

MQTT Smoke Detector Monitoring

The smoke detector used in this demo is from Universal Security Instruments, This manufacturer provides turnkey products that have been designed, tested, and certified for use. It is recommended that these products not be modified when used for life safety applications. This post is for demonstration purposes only, do not replicate if used for anything other than lab testing. The intent of this post is to demonstrate how to handle external conditions and operate an IoT device with minimal…

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